• Maya Mikdashi
  • Maya Mikdashi
  • Position: Director, Center for Middle Eastern Studies
  • Position #2: Assistant Professor, Department of Women's and Gender Studies, Rutgers / Middle Eastern Studies Program
  • Office Address:

    Faculty Profile


  • Ph.D. Department of Anthropology, Columbia University
  • MPhil. in Anthropology, Columbia University
  • M.A. in Arab Studies, Georgetown University
  • B.A. in Communication Arts, Lebanese American University

Research Interests

Introduction to Middle East Studies, Minorities in the Middle East, Comparative Settler Colonialism, Feminist Methodologies, and the Social Justice Capstone. 


Maya Mikdashi is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies and a lecturer in the program in Middle East Studies at Rutgers University, New Brunswick.  Maya is an anthropologist (PhD Columbia University, 2014) who is deeply engaged in ethnographic, legal, and archival theory and methodology. She currently is completing a book manuscript that examines the war on terror, sexual difference, secularism, and state power in the contemporary Middle East from the vantage point of Lebanon.

Maya has been a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow from 2014-2016 at Rutgers University, and a Faculty Fellow/Director of Graduate Studies, Center for Near Eastern Studies, New York University (2012-2014). She has published widely in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes, in addition to online platforms. She is a co-founding editor of the e-zine Jadaliyya.com.Maya is also a filmmaker and writer, she is co-director of the feature length documentary film About Baghdad (2004), co- founding member of filmmaking cooperative Quilting Point Productions, and director of Notes on The War (2006). Most recently Maya co-conceptualized, co-wrote (with director Carlos Motta), and performed in a historical fantasy film set in 19th century Beirut and Bogota, Deseos/رغبات", which is currently playing in international film and art festivals.